Ohio State Regulations

Transportation Restrictions
Oversize transports restricted on the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. Prohibitions begin at noon the day preceding and continue until one-half hour before sunrise the day following the holiday or holiday weekend, with the exception of Good Friday, when the prohibition is Sunrise on Good Friday to Sunrise the following Monday.
Movement of all vehicles/loads in excess of 12’ in width shall be prohibited within Butler, Clermont, Cuyahoga, Delaware, Fairfield, Franklin, Geauga, Hamilton, Lake, Licking, Lorain, Lucas, Madison, Mahoning, Medina, Montgomery, Pickaway, Stark, Summit, Union, Warren and Wood Counties between the hours of 6:30 AM and 9:00 AM and 4:30 PM and 6:00 PM
Movement of all vehicles/loads in excess of 12’ in width shall be prohibited during the following travel times: Saturday from 3 PM until ½ hour before sunrise on the following Sunday. Sunday from 3 PM until ½ hours before sunrise on the following Monday. Friday from 3 PM until ½ hours before sunrise on the following Saturday (April 1 through November 30).

Operating Time
Weekend Travel
Travel is permitted Saturday and Sunday unless over 12’ wide. See Restricted Travel.
Transportation Requirements
Provision Regulations

Anything over Routine Issue dimensions requires special approval from the DOT.
Oversize Load Signs
“Oversize Load” signs required for any overlength load or for any load over 10’ wide or 14’6” high.
18” red or orange flags required at the four corners and widest point of any oversize load or at the end of any overhang over 4’.
Clearance and side marker lights required at the extremities of an oversize load if authorized moving at night.
Dozer with a blade over 12′ wide is restricted to within a 25 mile radius of the point of origin
unless a traffic protector device is used. Without a protector, the blade must be removed and
hauled separately. Blades over 14′ wide not permitted to move unless a traffic protector is used,
or blade must be removed and hauled separately.
Legal Limits
Component | Restriction |
Single Axle | 20,000 lbs. |
Tandem Group | 34,000 lbs. |
Tridem Group | 42,000 lbs. |
Gross Weight | 80,000 lbs. |
Width | 8’6″ |
Height | 13’6″ |
Length – Semi-Trailers | 53′ |
Length – Saddlemount | 97’ On Designated Highways | 75′ On All Other Routes |
Length | 65′ |
Overhang | 3’ Front | 4’ Rear |
Routine Issues
Component | Restriction |
Single Axle | 29,000 lbs. |
Tandem Group | 36,000 lbs. Short Tandem | 50,000 lbs. Long Tandem* |
Tridem Group | 47,000 lbs. Short Tridem | 60,000 lbs. Long Tridem* |
Quad Group | 60,000 lbs. Short Quad | 80,000 lbs. Long Quad* |
Gross Weight | 120,000 lbs. |
Width | 14′ |
Height | Must Clear Clearances On Route By At Least 4” |
Length | Unlimited |
* An axle group is number of axles with in a 16’ bridge. An axle group is “short” if any two axles within the bridge are within 4’ of each other. An axle group is “long” if all the axles are spaced at least 4’1” from each other.
Escort Requirements
Dimension | Requirement |
Width Over 13’ | 1 Front On 2-Lane Highways | 1 Rear On 4-Lane Highways |
Width Over 14’6” | 2 (Front & Rear) |
Width Over 16’ | 2 (Front & Rear) + Police |
Height Over 14’6” | 1 Front W/ High Pole |
Height Over 14’10” | 2 (Front & Rear) |
Length Over 90′ | 1 Rear |
If Transport Meets More Than One Of The Above Conditions | 2 (Front & Rear) |